CPD Masterclass: Prana shakti - working with the 5 pranas - access now | DruYoga.com


CPD Masterclass: Prana shakti - working with the 5 pranas - access now

31 December, 2024
(Registration open till 31 Dec)

Prana shakti—working with the 5 pranas

Post graduate masterclass with Noelene Francis

Online—in your time

$77 for DPN members;  $110 for non-DPN members

Part of our special Masterclass series for Dru graduates, recorded in 2022.

Join Noelene to explore the power of working with prana shakti.  We'll explore the 5 main flows of prana that control the functions of our body (the Prana Vayus).  And how to energise and balance each one using pranayama. 

The masterclass will

  • Compliment what you have learned in your teacher training for both yoga and meditation, and
  • Deepen your understanding of the prana vayus. 
  • Expand your pranayama teaching skills

I am happy to answer questions about incorporating pranayama into your yoga and meditation classes. 

This Masterclass is suitable for Dru Yoga and Dru Meditation graduates. You will accrue 2 Professional development CPD points for viewing. 


Prices and booking

$77 for DPN members;  $110 for non-DPN members

For more information 

Dru Professional Network
Email: drunetwork@dru.com.au
Tel: 02 6161 1462


Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 15:30
My experience of The Spirituality of Yoga Course was amazing.  The tutors were so warm and friendly and made the content really accessible.  The course was extremely well-planned and built up step by step.  As it was quite intensive, I think if you were new to yoga and meditation you might have needed a longer time between sessions for absorbing and practising.  However, as we were able to download the sessions (a wonderful gift), there is plenty of time for replaying and reinforcing the learning.   I enjoyed every minute of the course and am very grateful that I had the opportunity to take part. 
avatar sand and sea
Carer and yoga teacher

What I'll take from today's yoga postgrad workshop:- Lovely sequences that can be adapted for all abilities, for myself and for my students.

Testimonial default avatar image
Remedial therapist, Abergavenny

I find Dru meditation really helps to bring balance in myself in this hurly burly world. It is a wonderful tool to take out and share with others.

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