Meditation Mastery - Level 1 |


Dru Meditation Mastery 

Level 1 - Essential Mastery

Unlock Deeper Awareness and Inner Peace

Embark on an extraordinary meditation journey

A course designed to reap the key benefits of meditation in just a few short months.

"The Dru Meditation Mastery Course is life-changing.
With the techniques I learned, within minutes I can return to my inner peace. With Dru Meditation I can perceive my inner voice and intuition more clearly. I'm so grateful to now be able to connect deeply to my true self." 

Elisa Korda

Success Formula

Build a rock-solid foundation for your meditation practice, learning essential techniques for deepening your awareness.

Inner Tranquility

Meditation is a skill. Master the formula for an enduring sense of inner peace and calm that permeates your daily life.

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection

Explore the synergy between your mind and body, unlocking a harmonious state of being.

Guidance from experts

Benefit from the experience of world-class meditation instructors who together have more than 200 years of meditation teaching practice.

Your steps to meditation mastery

Still Your Body with Ease

​​​​​​​Discover the art of sitting comfortably. Meditation becomes accessible for everyone when they are comfortable and alert. 

Harness the ancient wisdom of yoga's time-honoured formula: integrating movement, posture, relaxation, and autonomic nervous system control.

Grounding and Embracing Balance

​​​​​​​Next, you'll delve into grounding practices to befriend your body and find balance within. Start mastering stress and anxiety while infusing light into your being for the winter months.

Witness the transformative power of your breath as it guides your mind toward focus and clarity.

Energise Yourself with Prana

You’ll now be learning to awaken your subtle energy with prana energisation techniques. Dive into a whole new realm of awareness, discovering the Prana Vayus and unique exercises that empower your own life force.

Explore how to swiftly balance emotions and skillfully navigate crises through directed breathing and effective visualization.

Unleash your Inner Potential

By now, you'll have unlocked a key technique to awaken the potential of your chakras. Enhance your feelings of security, abundance, self-esteem, and empowerment as you delve deeper into your energetic centres.

Mastering the Emotional Realm

Level 1 culminates with a journey to master your emotional body.

Dive into the transformative power of mantra and affirmation. You'll discover the driving force that fuels passionate commitment to your life's purpose, setting the stage for emotional mastery (and more) in Level 2.

Dates, Prices, Syllabus & Structure


The next Meditation Mastery course begins on

  • 18 January 2024

    The format is one teaching day per month, from 10.30 -13.00 and 15.00 - 17.00 on Zoom. ​​​​​​​

Anamaya Kosha: Settling the distracted mind, physical body, mindful awareness
Pranamaya Kosha: Liberating the Pranic body, pranayama to raise your energy

Manomaya Kosha: Awakening your willpower by balancing the emotions 


  • Mindful Awareness—how to still and quieten the mind at will
  • Dru Prana Kriyas and movements to prepare for comfortable sitting
  • The science behind meditation's incredible effectiveness
  • Meditation's origins in yoga philosophy - from the Vedas to the Gita - and how to apply them to modern life
  • Which pranayama techniques to use for the first three koshas to enhance meditation practice

  • The specific meditations that clear and awaken the Annamaya, Pranamaya and Manomaya Koshas


  • One live day per month
  • Additional information and techniques on our Learning Hub to support your learning experience and home practice  
  • One tutorial a month


Flexible Payment Plan

x 6 monthly payments

One-Time Payment
special offer - £895 instead of £1050

Pay upfront to save £200

Cancellation Policy:
  • If you choose to cancel after receiving 1 month of the course, you will only pay for what you have received, with the understanding that the first month's material costs £155.

  • After this point, you can cancel by giving 30 days written notice.

  • If you choose to cancel after receiving 2 months of the course you will only pay for what you have received minus a non-refundable pre-payment against the last instalment of your course fees of £250.

  • Of course, our wish is that everyone is able to & inclined to complete the full duration of the course. If you are not sure you can, please connect with us. We are more than happy to chat through anything we can do to support you in completing your studies.


Frequently Asked Questions

I can’t make one of the weekends – how can I catch up?
That is not a problem.  You will be able to access all the recordings and you will be allocated to a tutorial group, within which any questions you have can be answered.

How long are the live teaching days?
Each teaching day is 4.5 hours from 10.30am - 1.00pm and 3.00pm - 5.00pm.

What are the CPD hours?
Level 1 gives you 30 CPD points.

How to Apply

How to apply

  1. Complete the application form.
  2. Start your monthly payments or pay upfront.
  3. Our course team will then be in touch with you to confirm your enrollment.

    If you have any questions or would like to speak with one of the tutors, please email

Complete application form  >

Meet the tutors​​​​​​​

Each tutor has practised and taught Dru Meditation for, on average, 30 years each and are passionate about sharing their experiences with you. Your tutor team includes: 

Rita is a founding member of Dru. She is Director of Dru UK and co-author of the bestselling book ‘Dance Between Joy and Pain’. Rita has taught yoga and meditation for over 35 years and has had a lifetime of experience in practical spirituality, meditation, mantra and Vedanta. She has pioneered innovative programs for doctors and health professionals that integrate complementary and orthodox medicine; delivered specialised, innovative seminars to the business community aimed at stress relief; travelled to over 40 countries as part of a unique global peace project called ‘Friendship without Frontiers’ sharing self-help techniques to integrate body, heart and mind.

Jane Saraswati Clapham has been meditating for 35 years, and is an enthusiastic exponent of the transforming benefits of meditation. Her studies of psychology at Bangor University gave her a grounding in the science behind ancient yogic practices. She is passionate about sharing how meditation and sound can bring joy in our busy, modern lives. 

Andrew is one of Dru's lead international Dru Yoga and Meditation trainers. He has taught for more than 25 years in over 30 countries and is much loved for the rich sense of transformation and hope he brings to his presentations. He trains people in whole-person approaches to health and self-empowerment and has pioneered the application of Dru Yoga trauma-healing in the conflict/war zones of Northern Ireland, Eastern Europe and Africa. 

Meditation Teacher Trainer and a High-Performance Coach who will help you breathe renewed life into your spirituality, and personal development. 

Chandra is director of Dru Yoga’s projects in Scotland. An international Dru Yoga and Meditation teacher trainer, she has led workshops in Europe, Asia and North America teaching Dru techniques. She has facilitated workshops within the corporate, parliamentary, health and educational fields with a focus on effective principles that govern our ability to master the mind and emotions. 

A meditator of over 20 years, Chandra’s passion is to support participants in discovering their point of stillness and to allow the mind to reach its full potential to heal, renew and create success.

Alison Boyle practised as a Head Occupational Therapist in Glasgow specialising in spinal injuries before coming to Dru. She trained as a Dru Yoga teacher in 1991.  Alison has been one of the main senior tutors on the Dru Meditation course in North Wales since it began over 15 years ago. She understands personally how meditation helps bring balance, depth and connection into her life and this allows her brings her Self and a special brand of joy and Scottish humour to her teaching. 

Maggie Brizzi is the Director of Dru Meditation in London.  She is a member of the Dru London Team and oversees all of the Dru Meditation Courses and Workshops in London.  She is a Senior Dru Meditation Tutor, Senior Dru Yoga Tutor, Senior Dru Bhagavad Gita Tutor and Co-ordinator of the UK World Peace Flame Foundation Charity. She is passionate about helping her students to discover the miracle and mystery of life which opens up for them with the Dru Meditation Course. 

Christiane is an international Dru Yoga, Dance and Meditation teacher trainer. Acquiring a degree in architecture she soon thereafter started to immerse herself in the study of Yoga and Eastern philosophy, and has lead a yogic lifestyle ever since. 

With her joyful nature and clear teaching style she has inspired and trained many hundreds of students over the past 12 years. Through her passion for meditation she holds space for students to journey deeper into their body, heart, mind and spirit, ultimately helping them to claim back their innate powers of health, vitality and deep inner joy.

Peter Legge has for the past twelve years participated in Dru Meditation training as a tutor in North Wales and London. He has spent all his working life in education, first as a school teacher, later in BBC radio and television as an education producer, and latterly as a university tutor leading a postgraduate course in television production. He has taught Dru Yoga for thirty years, and assisted in many Dru video projects and trainings in Europe, America, Africa and India. 

Pauline is a Dru Yoga teacher trainer, yoga therapist and meditation teacher. She has been teaching meditation and pranayama to students for 13 years. She is passionate about empowering students to believe in themselves, to uncover their inner teacher and guiding them to achieve their teaching qualification. As a social work manager in a stressful environment, Pauline has found meditation to be an anchor of stillness and calm in her own life, a very practical tool to cope with the stress of modern life, as well as the means to a deeper discovery of one's own self and inner world.  

Imogen’s discovery of Dru led her to realisation that the peace, calm and joy she was seeking was already there - she just needed to know how to connect. She has hugely enjoyed her role on the support and teaching team in the two most recent Meditation Teacher Training courses in North Wales. She loves to share the knowledge and practices she’s learned through Dru that enable her to live the life she loves and love the life she lives. 

Paul Krystall is the founder of Watamu Treehouse – a retreat centre on the Kenya Coast – where he teaches Dru Yoga and Dru Meditation.  His business background gives him first-hand experience of the benefits of a regular yoga and meditation practice. He has led adventure retreats for decades, and knows that one’s connection with the natural world is essential for cultivating strength and stability within oneself. He has observed the direct link between the health and stillness that comes from a regular practice and the ability to manifest one’s dreams. 

Tangye Braund

"Without a doubt this course gave me marvellous tools and techniques to help me meditate. And I am sure this has encouraged me to become a stronger, more compassionate person. My immediate response was, "Now I feel whole". But the benefits have not only been for myself, it has been so rewarding teaching and sharing this knowledge to support others ride the ups and downs of everyday life. And believe me – there seems to be many who need help right now.

The peace of mind I gained will last a lifetime. The fun, thirst for learning and feeling totally nourished continues. The joy that I shared with others many years ago transcends time and place and I am still meditating with those dear friends I met on the course.

Don’t wait, don’t hesitate. It's the most perfect opportunity to experience deep truth and connect in such a profound way."

Course manuals

Enjoy beautifully illustrated in-depth course manuals to help your learning.

Dr Gaynor Sharp
Education Consultant

"Before the Dru meditation course, I was a reluctant meditator. But, the Dru Meditation teachers had a profoundly beautiful effect on my life. The meditation tools introduced in the course were both accessible and impactful over time. I now have a really excellent, daily meditation practice that has become an integral part of my life. I have found exquisite peace and stillness that is very special.

The Dru Meditation teachers were extremely supportive and patiently supported and eased me into the meditation practices that I really love."

James Taylor

Psychotherapist, Dru Meditation & Wing Chun Teacher

The Dru Meditation course gave me an illuminating experience of being, in which I gained a more profound and holistic awareness of myself and the world around me.

As we were introduced to the Koshas or layers of our being, we were taught relaxation, concentration and meditation practices to enable our ability to discern and develop ourselves.

My learning was facilitated by accomplished and compassionate teachers who inspired me to continue and deepen my learning. I was also helped by the clear structure of the Dru Meditation process which offers a clear form for exploring the inner life and then how it might be applied to our lived lives. Since I qualified, I have committed thousands of hours to my own practice, to teaching Dru Meditation and to undertaking numerous further Dru trainings. The knowledge within the Dru community is so rich, I will grow old learning from it.

My overwhelming feeling is one of gratitude for the course; as the years have unfolded I have become more and more aware of the quality and depth of what I have been given. I warmly commend this training to you.

Natasha Selby

"I was expecting the course to include content and support to master my own practice, and develop the skills to teach meditation safely and effectively to others. It certainly has that. What I was not expecting was how deepening my own personal practice would positively impact everything and everyone in my life 'off the mat' too. I now meet life's challenges with far more equanimity and focus than before. And the course works brilliantly online! I'd encourage anyone and everyone to do it.

I honestly can't believe how this course has helped so many aspects of my life. A regular meditation practice has helped me approach challenges with more calmness, focus and confidence than ever before."

Victoria Sprigg

"Life was always good, but now I also have these techniques and resource within me, the power of self led movement and meditation on a daily basis is life changing. I find that the connection to soul shines through me revealing a deep contentment.

The Dru Meditation Mastery course was life-changing for me. I use its teachings daily and have found such a resource and peace within myself. The live sessions were sensational. The depth of learning, range of speakers, visuals and quality of sound despite being taught fully via zoom, was incredible. I feel so honoured and grateful to each speaker and the Dru support team that enabled the sessions to happen. Apart from being in person, I can't think of anything that would help the sessions. Having said that, being online meant far less commitment of having to be in Snowdonia every month, so therefore, it was perfect how it was!"

  Cheryl Wright

"I found the course very inspirational. Many days the opening statements struck a chord and the comments stayed with me. The teaching styles were varied but every single tutor gave us keys to development and made it feel easy to keep on track.

I was able to keep perspective and adopt an attitude of gratitude at a particularly challenging time in my personal life. I was aware of the power to choose how I was thinking and feeling. The online content allowed me to revisit sections as I required and to catch up on any missed sections quickly and easily."