Ayurveda Health Coach Diploma 2023 - 2024 | DruYoga.com

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Ayurveda Health Coach Diploma 2023 - 2024

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20 May, 2023
(Registration open till July 2023)

Become an Ayurvedic Health Coach. 
This is much more than just a practitioner’s course.

You will learn how to ‘coach’ someone to their full potential of health and well-being, helping them to understand and make the correct choices for their unique constitution, mind-set and passions in life. Ayurveda recognizes that, for true health, it is just as important to help someone realize their inner nature or their authentic self, as well as eat correctly and follow an appropriate lifestyle.

‘Dis-ease’ in the body or the mind of a client can also be caused by not fulfilling one’s purpose in life, or achieving one’s goals or following one’s passions.

The science of Ayurveda uses natural methods to help a person live as long as possible and as healthily as possible so as to realise their unique potential. To be truly healthy one must consider not just physical elements, but also mental and emotional positivity, happiness, joy and, ultimately, attain one’s goals and inner peace. True health is a synergy of mind, body and spirituality.

On a practical level…
We walk you through every stage of the process so by the end of the course you will feel confident in your clinical skills (observation, questioning, tongue and pulse diagnosis, designing treatment plans etc) and nutrition skills (not just knowing what foods and herbs are beneficial for constitutions but translating that to actual recipes and meal plans for your clients).

Promote health and wellbeing from an Ayurvedic perspective – by giving individual consultations and treatment advice to clients on diet, lifestyle, yoga, meditation, herbs, spices and Ayurvedic therapies according to their specific constitutions or imbalances.

As an Ayurvedic Health Coach you can:

  • Offer seminars, workshops and presentations to groups
  • Develop your own private practice
  • Add knowledge of Ayurveda to your current list of therapies
  • Work alongside other health professionals in an integrated therapy clinic
  • Know your professional capacity – when to treat and when to hand on to the medical or other health professionals.

Course structure  

This highly practical and interactive course has a blended learning format with a mixture of:

  • online pre-recorded sessions
  • online manuals
  • live zoom sessions with the tutors
  • in-person practical teaching sessions. 


The Diploma course is open to graduates of the Ayurveda Foundation Course or Ayurveda Certificate Course only. If you haven't completed either of these, then please contact the team at ayurveda@druworldwide.com to discuss arranging to complete this before the Diploma course starts in May.

Reserve your place

Deposit £100
Please click the BOOK NOW button to secure your place on this course.

Special offer – if you book before the 30th of April....more details under Price section below.

This course awards 30 CPD Points

For more information please email the team -  ayurveda@druworldwide.com


Saturday, May 20, 2023 - 11:00
Saturday, March 23, 2024 - 17:00
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Keith was such an inspiration with his delicious dishes and I felt very nourished by our shared meal. I especially enjoyed the creamed carrots and will definitely be making it for my family. I was also reminded that it's not just about the cooking and that putting love and intent into it is what makes a real difference.


Dru Ayurveda & Yoga workshop:- A thoroughly enjoyable day, enlightening me to how I can work on my health and happiness with minimal effort - great for a kapha type!


Dru Ayurveda & Yoga workshop:- A thoroughly enjoyable day, enlightening me to how I can work on my health and happiness with minimal effort - great for a kapha type!

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