Ayurveda Foundation Course 2024 | DruYoga.com

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Ayurveda Foundation Course 2024

16 November, 2024

Discover health-enhancing principles which you can easily apply to your life

A clear and concise course providing an in-depth working knowledge of Ayurveda which you can easily apply to your life to stay healthy, calm, and balanced in this 21st-century world.

The ancient science of Ayurveda is one of the fastest-growing holistic approaches to health and wellbeing in western society. It has such a complete understanding of our health - from physical all the way through the mental and emotional to spiritual!

  • You'll learn how to optimise your energy levels, immune system and the feeling of vitality
  • You'll learn that you can easily do this by skilfully managing what you eat; what supplements to take; how to nourish your body with exercise, daily rhythm, oiling, self-massage and yoga
  • You'll learn how best to relate to the natural world around you and how to dance with the natural rhythms of life. Ayurveda has the opportunity to take you into a state of health and self-confidence you have always dreamed of

Discover how simple changes can radically uplift and improve your whole life experience

Everything outside of us affects what goes on inside: the food we eat, the supplements we take, the seasons, the environment, the type of exercise we do and the therapies we receive.  All of these influences have a particular type of impact on our body, mind and emotions.  As you understand yourself better, you will notice how your health, relationships and quality of life improves. 

10 reasons to learn Ayurveda...

  1. Reduce stress, worry and fatigue

  2. Maintain a healthy weight

  3. Keep a balanced hormonal system

  4. Minimise inflammation

  5. Reduce symptoms of illness and disease

  6. Cleanse and detox the body

  7. Help overcome insomnia

  8. Reduce bloating and constipation

  9. Create healthy and glowing skin

  10. Improve conditions such as arthritis, tight muscles, IBS, coughs and colds

For full details of the course, including live session & tutorial dates and full details of costs and how the course will be presented please look in the tabs below.


If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue 11 CPD hours for attendance at this course. Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.


Saturday 16th, 23rd, 30th November & 7th December (with additional group tutorial sessions)
(Registration open until 9th November 2024)

Price:   Standard cost of the course -  £395.  Early Bird: £295 - if paid by 25 October 2024

DPN (Dru Professional Network) members: £330

The cost of the course includes tuition, recorded and live sessions and an online version of the illustrated course manuals (hard copies available at extra cost) and full access to our online community platform. 

If you require a payment plan for either of the amounts above, please email hello@druworldwide.com).

The CPD points awarded to this course is 11.

For more information:

Email: ayurveda@druworldwide.com.

Call: 01248 602 900, extension 205 (Contact hours 9am - 11am Monday to Friday)


Saturday, November 16, 2024 - 11:00
Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 11:00
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Totnes, Devon

The Dru Ayurveda and Yoga workshop. Great simple demonstration of how to use spices in ayurvedic cooking - delicious results and an inspiring, mouth-watering day.

Teacher, Leeds
Ayurveda Retreat
Thanks so much for such a wonderful weekend. I really enjoyed connecting with you all again.
I know a lot about the topics discussed but hearing them spoken about with such passion by a group of experts really helped to clarify a number of points I was not completely sure about. I found it very motivating and gave me a greater understanding of why I need to do certain practices. I do most of the practices already so I don't really need to add anything. I would like to know more about the herbs that might be useful for me specifically but I would need a personal consultation for that. 
Thank you for such an information packed and motivating weekend. I am looking forward to looking all the materials in the course. 
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Dru Yoga Teacher

Ayurveda Retreat

Booking myself on to the Dru Ayurvedic Weekend Retreat is one of the best spontaneous decisions I’ve made in a while. I have a reputation for leaving things until the last minute, in this case I booked my place just an hour before it began! I guess that’s one of the benefits of an online course - I didn’t have to physically get there, just make sure I was out of my PJs before the Zoom meeting went live!!! 
After a few weeks of lockdown and spending perhaps a little too much time reading and watching the news, this online retreat gave me a much needed boost of positivity. It was wonderful to connect with all the other people who were attending, to see so many smiling faces, some new and some familiar. 
The content of the course was superbly presented - a good balance of ‘live’ face to face information sharing, question and answer sessions, some ‘live’ yoga, meditation and chanting and then a series of pre recorded videos to watch. We were given plenty of short breaks throughout the day and a nice long lunch break, time to eat, read our notes, watch the videos and get outside for some fresh air.
Alongside the Zoom live video there was excellent support for anyone with technical problems, via the chat box, email or telephone. The chat was also a place to ask questions and share information.
The Dru Team did a great job of putting this weekend retreat together and I wouldn’t hesitate in joining them for another online course in the future. Obviously if I had the choice I’d prefer to be there in person, but this really is a great alternative until we can do that. 

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